Ramen News Recap May/June 2021


Blogs, Guides and Stories:



  • Elvin Yung summarized all his experiences of making “G-kei” ramen, or more colloquially known as Jiro style ramen, at home. It’s a very in depth look at every component of the style and well worth the time of every ramen head out there. You can find the write up here: G-Kei: All you need is feel

  • Duck Ramen isn’t as common in Japan, but definitely among my favorites. Ramen Kaonashi has tackled this with their How to make Duck Ramen 鴨そばの作り方 video.

  • The probably first vegan ramen recipe I can believe would taste good has been made by Seonkyoung Longest: Tasty Vegan Ramen Recipe. I am pleased by the suggestion to add MSG and the absence of soy milk to create a faux tonkotsu.

  • Another one from Ramen Kaonashi, demystifying the Kanagawa local specialty iekei ramen:
    How to make Yokohama Iekei Ramen 横浜家系ラーメンの作り方
    I could really just link all videos by Kaonashi here, but there are so many, so please do yourself a favor and subscribe.


Nama Japan videos:

Due to being quite restricted with the use of my private time in the recent weeks an months (i.e. I’m busy busy) I was concentrating on releasing shorter videos, but more of them. I don’t think I have ever released 8 videos in 2 months before. Hopefully I can throw in more elaborate and longer videos in there again soon!


Mensouan Sunada / 麺創庵 砂田 - Sugamo


Sakurai Chukasobaten / 櫻井中華そば店 - Hodogaya